
XMedia Recode free video converter

Hardcode subtitles on video: Tips and Techniques

These filters allow you to render subtitles into a video.
The subtitle is permanently burned into the image so it remains visible on all devices and players without the need for a separate subtitle file.
It supports SubRip (SRT) and Sub Station Alpha (SSA and ASS) formats, which are common formats for text subtitles in videos.
This helps ensure that your subtitles display correctly in a wide range of video editors and players.

How to create SRT subtitles


Hardcode subtitles on video

Hardcode subtitles settings

These settings allow you to customize the appearance of the subtitles, including background color, font size, font style, font color, character spacing, rotation angle, and alignment.

Choose from different fonts (e.g. bold, italic, regular) to give the subtitles a customized style.

Step 1: Select the "Filter/Preview" tab and click the "Video Track" tab

You can add the Subtitle filter using the "Add filter" button.

Select filter/preview

Step 2: Select Subtitle filter and click "Add"

add Subtitle Filter

Step 3: Select Subtitle and set settings

enable Subtitle filter


Specifies the character set used for the subtitle text.

Primary color

Specifies the primary color of the font.

before after


Secondary color

Specifies the secondary color of the font.

Outline color

Specifies the outline color of the font.

before after

Back color

Specifies the back color of the font.

Adding the background color makes the font easier to read

before after
text background color red

Font size

Adjust the font size to ensure that the subtitles are clearly visible on both small and large screens.

before after



Specifies whether the font is bold or normal.

before after


Specifies whether the font is italic or normal.

before after


Specifies whether the font is underlined or normal.


Specifies whether the font is strikethrough or normal.

before after
Font displayed normally Font shown crossed out


Specifies the space between characters in the subtitle text.

before after
small space between characters large spacing between characters

Border style

Specifies the type of border that is displayed around the font.

  • 1 Outline + drop shadow
  • 2
  • 3 Opaque box
  • 4


Specifies the angle of rotation of the font (values between 0 and 360).

before after
0 degree font rotation angle 45 degree rotation angle of the font

Margin left

Defines the minimum distance of the subtitle text to be displayed from the left edge of the screen.

Margin right

Defines the minimum distance of the subtitle text to be displayed from the right edge of the screen.

Margin vertical

Defines the minimum distance of the subtitle text to be displayed from the top or bottom of the screen.


Choose the position of the subtitles on the screen (e.g. left, center or right) and set the alignment of the text to be displayed to ensure that the subtitles always appear where you want them.

  • Top left
  • Top center
  • Top right
  • Middle left
  • Middle center
  • Middle right
  • Bottom left
  • Bottom center
  • Bottom right
Render subtitles top left Render subtitles top center Render subtitles top right
Render subtitles middle left Render subtitles middle center Render subtitles middle right
Render subtitles bottom left Render subtitles bottom center Render subtitles bottom right
